Looking Back to See Where I’m Going: Aka What If Hardcover
Though this book may seem to be a mere hodgepodge of verbiage, there really is a point to it. I did write a poem entitled “If, The Biggest Little Word in L if E.” Just like nations who forget, we too are often guilty of forgetting from whence we came, not remembering certain people or moments that were pivotal in our earlier years. In my case, I have several decades of experiencing the good, the bad, and the holy crap why did I do that? If there is anyone out there who thinks they’ve about hit the bottom, are trying to figure out what the hell they need to do to make it back . . . you might want to read a few pages of this book. I’m prejudiced, but I don’t think this is boring . . . it certainly isn’t a typical poetry-thingy book. I will put in on Kindle too; so, if you just need to read a few pages . . . it won’t cost you much. I hope it can help someone to get things back in perspective. Writing all of this really did make it easier for me to get out of the fog and at lance have a clearer view of what tomorrow might bring. As they say, “Have a good one.”
Category: Books